The districting system allows you to create a custom district using any cities you want. The custom district system is helpful if you want to manage smaller areas, merge several countries together, or have particular factories you want to ship from. You can only create custom districts on the world map. To create or edit a custom district, click the “Manage Districts” button. The top drop-down is a list of custom districts you have made in this save. If you wish to edit a custom district, select the district from the drop-down, and then click the “View/Edit” button. If you wanted to delete a custom district, you would select it from the drop-down, and then click the “Delete” button. You can create a custom district by clicking the “Create” button. Enter the name of the district at the top. You can wait until later to do this. Any selected cities will appear on this list. It is empty now because we haven’t added any. We’ll click this button to add cities. You can now click cities to add them to the list. If you push down the mouse button and drag, you can select more than one city. You have selected any city that is pink. If you click a single city, it will remove all other selected cities. To add or remove a city without un-selecting the others, you must hold down the left control key, often labeled “ctrl” while clicking the cities. This function also works with the drag-and-select system. On the left, you can use the maps to view statistics about the cities. The extra maps can be useful if you want to separate poorer cities from richer ones, or cities with good manufacturing, etc. When you have finished making selections, click the “Return” button. You’ll see all the selected cities on the list. If you need to edit the list, click the “Add/Edit/Remove” button again. Otherwise, if the custom district is how you want it, click the “Save” button. The game has saved the custom district. It should appear in this drop-down. To use the district, return to the Districts Menu, and it should appear in the bottom drop-down. The custom district now works like the other districts in the game. Your custom district will always have a separate drop-down box from the pre-made ones.